NixOS Weekly
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#04 - Everything not saved will be lost
Everything not saved will be lost. (Nintendo Quit Screen message)
Nix, NixOS and nixpkgs are all moving ahead at good speed. The 17.03 milestone is more than 50% complete, and we merged 144 pull requests for nixpkgs just in the last seven days.
- The NixOS 17.03 beta has been announced.
- We now allow packages to be marked insecure, and you have to opt-in to install insecure packages similarly to how you opt in to non-free software. The option is called permittedInsecurePackages. See the updated docs for more.
- Robin finished the systemd 232 update which opens up several new opportunities for hardening. It will also allow us to move away from hard-coded user IDs for less important services. Just use DynamicUser = true.
- Thanks to Graham we now have aarch64 support, and it's even being built by Hydra! Many of you will have noticed already from the beautiful stream of emails for each succeeding and failing package.
- Progress on the proposal for RFC which started from a FOSDEM discussion.
- Move NodeJS to separate overlay repository? (discussion)
From Vagrant to NixOps by Hendrik Schaeidt
A walkthrough to configure a symfony2 project with nginx, mysql, and php-fpm from scratch.
- Eric Sagnes gave an introductory NixOS talk in Japanese. The slides are here.
- Maksim Bronsky presented Vulnix at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage. The slides (PDF download, DE only) are in the repository.
- Lenko Donchev gave a lightning talk "NixOS the purely functional Linux distribution". The slides are available online.
- John Wiegley gave a presentation "How I use nix for Haskell development" at the Bay Area Nix/NixOS User Group. Video available.
Mar 24, 2017, Tokyo NixOS Meetup, Tokyo, Japan
My Japanese isn't good enough to figure out the speaker, but if you live in Japan you should go!
Mar 29, 2017, Munich NixOS Meetup at OpenLab Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
John Darrington will give a talk about guix and guixSD, a package manager and a Linux distribution which are based on similar concepts as nix/NixOS.
The talk will be in English.
Meetups that just happened
Feb 24–26, 2017, HackIllinois, University of Illinois, USA
For any university students in the US, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is holding a hackathon oriented towards getting people into open source development, and I'm going to be mentoring people for Nix/NixOS/Haskell development. Be sure to put "NixOS" or "Haskell" into your application somewhere.
- Feb 25, 2017, Amsterdam Nix Meetup at Container Solutions, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mar 02, 2017, Bay Area Nix/NixOS User Group at Takt, San Francisco, USA
See the presentation about using Nix for Haskell development above.
Mar 12, 2017, London NixOS User Group at Smarkets, London, UK
Smarkets kindly offered us a space for our second community hackday!
There will be talking, pizzas and lots of packaging going on. Bring your own projects or just tag along and help other people out. Whether you have some software that you'd like to see packaged or questions about how everything fits together, there will be people available to help you.
Looking for some Nix developers? Let us help you.
- The Blue Brain Project recruit and is looking for someone with packaging, NixOS / Nix packaging knowledges and with a software engineering background. If any of you might be interested :, The job is in Switzerland, Geneva, Swiss salary and Work visa granted for EU citizen if recruited.
Editor's corner
First time run for me to take care as the editor for an edition of NixOS Weekly. It has been fantastic to see a few people spontaneously helping out to make it happen after a call for help from Rok.
Contributions are easy: Send a pull request to the repository or comment on the open issue for the next edition by providing a hint regarding a presentation, an event, a relevant change or discussion.