NixOS Weekly
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#08 - Not all those who wander are lost
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien
Welcome to another edition of NixOS Weekly.
Major announcements include NixCon 2017 and the old wiki migration. This edition adds a new Tooling section for possibly useful Nix-related tools in addition to News, Jobs, Reading, and Events.
NixCon 2017 October 28-31, Munich.
Call for participation is open until July 31.
The Wiki is dead. Long live the Wikis!
This is the change that disable the wiki.
The old wiki has been for a while now with ongoing work on updating and migrating the content.
Current options are the Community Cookbook and the nixos-users Wiki. The latter is editable by anyone with a GitHub account.
Nix has a thankful community.
Profpatsch did some quick analysis of IRC messages. Summary:
- creates gc-roots for all dependencies of a shell.nix.
- nix-package-search: cached queries for nix-env -qa.
- nix-zsh-completions: ZSH completions for Nix and NixOS tools.
- Auto install/run missing programs.
Events / Meetups
NixOps Meetup May 26, Munich
Topics: the NixOps container backend. Possible hackathon afterwards.
Editor's corner
This work would not be possible without the many contributions of the community.
You can help! Create or comment on the pull request for the next edition or help with the issue tracker to add other improvements.