NixOS Weekly
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#01 - Phoenixes burst into flame ...
... when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes. (J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
The phoenix is a long-lived fiery bird that is present in many different mythologies from around the world. When a phoenix “dies”, it does so by combustion and is reborn of the ashes left behind. It rises from its own ashes, in the freshness of youth, to live through another cycle of years. So in a sense, it never truly dies, but regenerates itself and lives forever. Just like this weekly newsletter.
Welcome to the 2018 NixOS “Weekly” newsletter.
We are back and hope to produce more of them this year then we did last year. As always contributions are more then welcome. The more people help shape this newsletter the more accurate it will be.
NixCon 2017 In Munich
If you haven't heard there was a NixOS conference. It was a blast. You can read a short overview of the talks or go ahead and watch them.
Anybody knows where NixCon 2018 is going to be? :)
- Building Static Haskell Binaries with Nix
- Bypassing NPM's content addressable cache in Nix deployments and generating expressions from lock files
- Controlling a Hydra server from a Node.js application
- nixcloud-webservices-tests and nixcloud-webservices
- NixOS: The DOs and DON’Ts of nixpkgs overlays
- Creating custom object transformations with NiJS and PNDP
- Announcing fc-userscan
- Deploying PHP composer packages with the Nix package manager
- Share scripts that have dependencies with Nix
- nix-diff - A small utility for comparing Nix derivations
- nix-delegate - A command-line utility that you can use to run a subcommand with distributed builds transiently enabled.
- nix-deploy - Deploy software or an entire NixOS system configuration to another NixOS system.
- nix-bash-completions - Bash completion for the Nix command line tools.
- nix-zsh-completions - ZSH completion for the Nix command line tools.
- fc-userscan - Scans directories containing manually compiled programs and registers them with the Nix garbage collector.
- elm2nix - Convert Elm project into Nix expressions.
- stack2nix - Generate nix expressions for Haskell projects.
- node2nix - New version providing initial support for NPM 5.x (that is included with Node.js 8.x)
- node-hydra-connector - New API/tool to integrate Node.js applications with the Hydra continuous integration service and a CLI tool that can be used to control a server.
- composer2nix - Generate Nix expressions to build PHP composer packages.
- mkShell - For nix-shell-only scenarios, mkShell is a small convenience function in nixpkgs.
Events / Meetups
January, 09, 2018 - Berlin, Germany
You can help shape NixOS Weekly Newsletter too! Create or comment on the pull request for the next edition or loot at the issue tracker to add other improvements.