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- #06 - NixOS Weekly
- #05 - NixOS Weekly
- #04 - NixOS Weekly
- #03 - NixOS Weekly
- #02 - NixOS Weekly
- #01 - NixOS Weekly
- #14 - Hercules CI launch, performance improvements in nixpkgs, single dependency kubernetes clusters
- #13 - NixOS 19.09 release, improvements, github actions for Nix, a number of talks
- #12 - Mobile NixOS, import-from-derivation, one-page introduction, runtime type-checker, a job
- #11 - Nixery, nixfmt and Cachix releases, NixCon 2019 tickets, a job and first impressions post
- #10 - Redox on NixOS, ad-hoc container images, nix-mode.el, static site deploys, a job
- #09 - autobake, setup.nix for Python, macOS stdenv updates, nixfmt, Elm tooling, gitignore and a job
- #08 - C++ packaging, NixCon 2019, job, cross-compile RPI, Haskell IDE Engine
- #07 - NixOS 19.03 release, IPFS, CI integrations and documentation feedback
- #06 - Lorri, tree parser and formatter, patchelf 0.10, NixML
- #05 - Cachix private caches, Termux, Artwork for 19.03, a rant
- #04 - Static rootless Nix, SRE job, homebrew to Nix migration
- #03 - Kubenix, kernel regressions and jobs
- #02 - 19.03 feature freeze, EU grants, reproducibility, Nix in Debian
- #01 - TerraNix, Debian packaging, elm2nix, RaspberryPi 3+
- #14 - Reproducible builds summit, Gnome 3.30, RFC process, linter, Arion
- #13 - Cross compilation for Go and Rust, home-manager email support
- #12 - NixCon 2018 videos, Eris, NixDoc, Auto patching and jobs
- #11 - NixOS 18.09 release, Fastly CDN for cache, your first Hydra
- #10 - AArch64 builders, NixOps alternative, optimised docker layers, Hercules CI
- #09 - NixCon 2018 program, macOS 10.14 Mojave support, Haskell and Python packaging tips
- #08 - Nix 2.1, NixOS 18.09 beta, new installer bootloader
- #07 - NixOS in production, nix-devel is now Discourse
- #06 - Formalizing review workflow, OfBorg update, String Context explanation
- #05 - NixOS 18.09 preparations, incremental builds and other tooling
- #04 - NixCon2018, Nix Core Team, binary cache improvements
- #03 - A tree with strong roots ...
- #02 - Life before death, strength before weakness, ...
- #01 - Phoenixes burst into flame ...